Rough Drafts, Pantzer STyle, Finished Mss
Today I didn't write, I reread/revised chapters 12-14 and got chapters 14-15 scenes integrated and started on chapter 16. I also put all those chapters in a Master document and expanded it and the book, of course, looks like it's running long. I've spent a lot of time on the building and powering of boats, and maybe some of that can be cut. Overlong setup makes me nervous and I start thinking of the scenes I might have to cut, but follow my own advice for once.
Maybe I won't have to take out the potato scene after all.
But I won't know how long the book is until I actually finish it, so always get the first draft done before you decide to cut or plump. I know, when you hit the end chapters you usually know if it's short or long or Too Damn Long. BUT FINISH THE BOOK, then go back. A finished piece can always be massaged. One that isn't finished is just a mess.
My advice for the day. Tomorrow I am scanning the previous chapters for the set up of a subplot I need to weave in, then will write that scene and go on. Working chronologically for the next while.
Meanwhile, I know I have a choreography problem coming up in the main battle scene. I set something up in the beginning as a magical rule that now needs a big payoff, set the subplot up in the last book. This is not Sevair's book, but his bit of the plot needs to be tied up here, in the last battle. So I'm wondering where exactly it will come and who all will be involved -- six or twelve...
So that's my tease for the day.
We're supposed to get rain tonight and rain/snow tomorrow, so I'll say may the weather that comes be some that you enjoy.