On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Contest: Need Heart Book Title

Contest for next Heart Book Title: Today I am working on the next Heart books proposal. Next up: The Swashbuckler and the Librarian (Race Bayrum and Glyssa Licorice).

This will take place primarily at the excavation site of the starship, Lugh's Spear.
I can't promise the title will be used, but I will submit it if it rings my bell. :)

Gift: Heart Secret ARC (as it is now, before copy edits).

Reply to http://robindowens.blogspot.com You CAN be anonymous, OR email me at robin@robindowens.com

Love, Robin

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Research Trip Pic

A pic from yesterday's (very short and relatively close) research trip. I'm thinking about rolling a bus down the hill and into I-25 traffic...magically, of course.

Have a good time today!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today's Research

So, just to tease you, and no, I didn't know about Faraday Cages before.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Working on Character Images

Today I spent a great deal of time working on character images. This first one is from City of Heroes, though I think I have Kiri on Sims Medieval, too, on the laptop.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


PhotobucketI spent an hour this morning talking to my mentor about a turning point, that I, organically felt worked and others (plotters) did not. They were right, but it took more than an hour of squirming under hard questions just for me to UNDERSTAND the problem. And that's what hurts. Many, many years of writing and I just didn't get what my readers were saying or how to fix it.

Sigh. Sometimes I still feel like a tiro.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Signing today

I'm signing at Who Else! Books, part of the Broadway Book Mall this afternoon at 3 p.m.

Yes, it IS cold and snowy. I will be reading from Hearts and Swords. And yes, this is last minute, but Heart Secret came back from editor with a request for revisions, my car battery died, I'm housesitting for the parents again and yesterday the overloaded bookcase on my desk fell (the small one, not the huge one, or I would not be sitting here, seriously)...and that does sound like whining doesn't it? Sigh. This hasn't been a good decade for me so far. ;)

Anyway, the signing: myself, Alastair Mayer (The Chara Talisman), Courtney Schafer (The Whitefire Crossing), and Rob Ziegler (Seed).

That’s the Broadway Book Mall, 200 S. Broadway (in Denver, just north of I-25) at 3:00 pm on Saturday, February 11. Come on out! I WILL be there!

May you enjoy your travels

Friday, February 03, 2012

Snowing and Teatime

There's six to eight inches of snow here (according to top of neighbor's fence), and it's supposed to snow all day. So I drug out a tea photo for you, to keep you (and me) warm and cozy. I think, right now, it's less tear-making than one of my thousand pics of a South Carolina beach...and I think the fingertip-less gloves on my desk will soon be on my hands.

Wherever you are, grab a calm moment and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Number 1 Mystic Circle

Yes, I am in the depths of the next Luna book, titled (I think) Enchanted Ever After, featuring my geek heroine Kiri Palger who has just moved into Number 1 Mystic Circle, the smallest house in the cul-de-sac.

This is a general picture of Number 1, a craftsman bungalow (again, in my neighborhood), though Kiri's has a "bump out" bay window where she's set up her computer desk. She has a lot of house and little furniture. :)


May you enjoy your own neighborhood today.

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