Promo - Distinguish Yourself 2

I suppose I could use a couple of things like what I sign in books (I try to add a little blessing), like Follow Your Heart And Magic Will Come, or May A Little Magic Always Grace Your Life.
Follow your heart (to paranormal romance by Robin D. Owens) :P
or Put a little magic into your life with books by Robin D. Owens :P
Right now I usually say that I write futuristic/fantasy romance with telepathic cats with attitude...and don't all cats have attitude?
May writing go smoothly today,
I would say..."escape to a world of magic".
That is why many people read romance novels, to cheer up a little after the day's so unromantic mess!
No matter that most of them are far away from any reality in the past or the future; I find it difficult to "suspend my disbelief" with historical or contemporary ones... easier to belive in fairies!!
A really excellent idea! I'm writing it down!
I took a branding class last year that helped me come up with a tag line.
I like the "escape" theme. If you wanted to include "heart," you could use "Let your heart escape to a world of magic."
Hearts escape to a world of magic
Hearts escape to a magical world
Follow your heart to a world of magic.
It's a matter of figuring out what makes your books unique, and what your books in different series all have in common.
Mine is "Spellbinding fiction for the heart, mind, and soul." It's supposed to show that I write page-turners that make you think and cry and usually have a spiritual aspect.
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