On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Sigh...and tribes and the Heart Books.

When I knew I was going back to DC, I contacted my old sorority (yes, I belonged to one), and asked if they'd be interested in meeting with me. They said yes and I went out to visit the chapter tonight.

And bored the socks off them, even with my stories. I was not witty or charming or interesting, but rambled. When I stopped talking they livened up.

I should have stayed with my tribe. This tribe was too alien for me, younger, Eastern, politically oriented (as I was when I went to college). So I stepped out of my comfort zone, and good for me...but the reinforcement Inner Creative Child got was Don't Do This Again.

I need to stick with readers and writers. I'll remember this.

And though Inner Child was unhappy, Writer WAS taking notes on interactions...though all of me is tired after Agent appt and Editor appt...and the heat and humidity of getting around in DC during the day in general.

Agent convinced me that it might be too stressful to start another series. Another sigh.

Editor had a couple of things to say...they may be branding the books something like "Heart Title, A Celta Romance" and the "Heart" may go, since I think most readers don't keep the stories straight. I said I was fine letting sales and marketing get what they want. Editor also wanted to know if I was planning on winding up the series. I said I still enjoyed writing them and if they continued to buy them (and readers continue to buy them), I will be writing them.

I told her I did plan on skipping 15 years to the next generation and Laev (who...mumble...in Heart Change would be the first one I'd write about).

Heart Journey will stay as a title. (Sales and Marketing would like something more visual for my titles). Heart Hope will not fly as a title, so something will come up when I write Laev's story, and even though I love Heart Soar for Antenn because...mumble...I can't use it because, I mean, like, Soar/Sore? I don't THINK so.

That's the scoop. May you enjoy and be enjoyed by all the tribes you meet today.


Blogger Unknown said...

What?! Speak up?! Stop *mumbling*!!! I want those details about Antenn and Laev!! *eyes author expectantly* :)

also, yeah! more heart books

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please more heart books! I love their setting and the society based on celtic and english folklore is so interesting. Your descriptions of the societal traditions, mores, and religion are very well fleshed and consistent. They are a delight to read. I am so looking forward to hearing about Anten, Laev, and more clovers. I have them all and am looking forward to Cratiag's story in Nov. Please, Ms. Owens, do not give up on your series - they are wonderful books!

7:16 AM  
Blogger Crafter Jane said...

I will continue reading (and buying) the Celta books as long as you are willing to write them! I have hundreds of books (to my husband's dismay) and yours are in the hall bookcase where I can reach them easily when I want to read them again - along with Anne McCaffrey, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Mercedes Lackey and Christine Feehan.

7:49 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Thanks, folks. Laev is up first he is in Heart Change with a subplot that will carry over.

I DO need to insert more Clovers...right now I have set up Laev and a person in Heart Change (new), Vinni and Avellana (though keeping tension between them for a whole book will be challenging, but I think I have some motivation), and Antenn and another person I mentioned in Heart Fate....

Anyway, that's it.


11:25 AM  

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