"Intrigue and danger in this fascinating tale!" Heart Quest OUT TUESDAY - 1st Review

I haven't done a lot of advertising for this one, so you all have been spared. If you like my work, PLEASE BUY!
Many thanks,
and OF COURSE I put up a good review...
"Intrigue and danger in this fascinating tale!"
Robin D. Owens has yet again written a book that was so phenomenal that it took my breath away! She has once again returned to my beloved Celta and has given us another glimpse into her fascinating world.
This is Trif Clover's story. Trif wants to know her HeartMate in the most impatient way so she fashions a heart charm and decides to go about trying it on various single Celtan's doors.
Black Ilex Winterberry knows that Trif is his HeartMate but there are two things wrong with that scenario. One is that Ilex is a tiny bit clairvoyant and has seen his death many times. Two is that he is much older that Trif but still he can't help but look out for her so he moves into the same apartment complex where she lives.
Ilex is investigating several very strange murders that seem to have been committed by more than one person and on single people with Fams and with uncontrolled flair. Now all he needs to do is put the pieces of the puzzle together and find out why they are being murdered and by whom. First he must convince Trif that it is not safe to wander around Celta looking for her HeartMate. This does not set well with Trif at all. Then Trif unexpectedly receives here very own Fam cat named Greyku. Greyku, of course, is as personable as all of the other delightful Fams that Robin has created in her Heart books. I personally believe that Greyku stole the whole story!
What a job Robin D. Owens' books are to read! Here is another winner to add to my keeper shelf. As always, I eagerly look forward to another book from Robin D. Owens!
Reviewed by Kathy Boswell
Posted August 29, 2006
That's what I enjoy about your Celta books. I can't hardly wait!
whoohoo they were at walmart today. Mine came home with me. As soon as I finish the book I'm reading it's next on my list.
Thanks Reader and Pamk. I DO appreciate it, and this morning I'm wordless, so thanks.
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