On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

In the Zone -- Let it Ferment -- Humor

I'm late this morning, I've been in the groove with the sixth Luna synopsis and that is sufficiently rare that I wasn't going to come out of it for the blog. Naturally while I was writing the synopsis (well, the list of scenes/events) I thought of a scene I had to do NOW.

I think in this last Luna book (if it's bought), I will have my heroine be on her own for a while. Alexa and Marian were the same, but I don't think the others were. But this one -- Summoned by the Singer -- I think I'll have even on the road by herself. Since she's a former rock-star, I think she'll appreciate the peace. ;)

And I couldn't resist writing the bones of the scene where J. (heroine, no telling of the name because that might give a secret away) meets the other Exotiques. In a bolt of lightning. If you've read my work, you know that's possible.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've been in the zone, able to write fluidly and easily -- until yesterday. I've been having problems with the fourth Luna, thinking that I needed to show the loving family. When I revised the first chapter (and critique group approved of the new version) they told me to cut the father's birthday dinner. So I did. I would still like it in there, but it's probably better without.

But it took me a long time to come up with the little scene in the first few pages which would take the place of two longer scenes that came after. I think I tucked a list in the back of my mind and let it simmer -- inner conflict of heroine, outer conflict, loving family, her special talent, the chimes and gongs and chants that mean Summoning is imminent. I had to let it ferment. Sometimes it won't always come together, but this time it did. Whew.

A note on humor -- the scene I wrote this morning had an amusing bit. TO ME. Humor is subjective and what I might laugh at others might find stupid or silly. So the bit may come out. Janet Evanovich, who can write hysterical books, lost me in a couple of scenes which I thought Were Not Funny At All and were obviously Supposed To Be Funny. Others may have found them funny. So it's hard to write humor and strike the right note with everyone. If it flows from your fingers and makes you smile and laugh, great, but be open to the fact that you may need to cut it.

May your writing day be smooth and fun today,


Blogger moonhart said...

Humor...no matter what they say about it being hard to write...it's harder.

Lord only knows how Mark Twain managed it.


12:46 PM  

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