Royalties/Sell through/Earn out

Sell Through -- this is how many books of your print run have sold and is determined in percentages (though I got the check I don't have the royalty statements from my agent yet, so I'm not exactly sure of the print run/etc. this term). A 50% sell through is considered good.
Earn Out -- that's when the book has sold 100% of the advance money they paid the author, and the author now gets royalties. This is considered very, VERY good.
Since the writing has been going well, too, I'm damn well happy today and might even treat myself to a meal out. Maybe steak.
May no financial worries cloud your day,
I am enjoying a breief respite off deadline and visiting everyone's blogs. I have to say that sashimi is the way to go if you want to make a dent in a royalty check. At our fav Japanese restaurant, it's 22 bucks for a few paper thin slices. That's raw fish--salmon to be exact. However, if that turns your stomach, stick to the steak!
Ah, restaurants...actually my ex roomie and her husband grilled steak for me so that craving was satisfied...
I'm late reading this post because I've been away for a few days and am only now catching up on things, but congratulations, Robin. You must be feeling great.
Keep up the good work,
Thanks Merlin's Muse, I can only hope it continues.
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