Worlds Upon Worlds -- Tastes

When you write fantasy you make up your own worlds. Depending upon the reader, these worlds may be comfortable or not. They may be totally opposite the world you like and UNcomfortable, but still fascinating (like the Weather Warden worlds are to me), or they may clash so that you'll never pick up a book by the author again -- either you can't buy into the world, it's TOO uncomfortable for you if you're solely looking for entertainment, or it's boring. (And, yeah, that was a humongeous long sentence).
It is, as all reading, a matter of taste, and this, dear readers, is something an author has no control over if you/I don't want to sell out our voice. Ok, I KNOW that authors can channel different aspects of themselves. I'll be reaching for an edgier Robin soon (I had it for a few minutes a while back, then it slipped away -- I think the problem is that this sort of edge is usually written in first person and I'm not sure I really like first person) as I have an edgier IDEA, but I sure don't want to pull something off have-baked and unrewarding to my present readers and not acceptable to new ones.
And I think I'll quit now before my sentences turn page-long.
May your voice ring loud and true today.
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