On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Galleys and Titles and Art, Oh, MY!

Well, I got a few emails from my editor of my next Luna book yesterday....The one that was called Knight Protector. I finally had talked myself around to liking "Defender of Trust." My editor is doing the art sheet (we talked about art sheets here -- and I had to submit another one last week) and the art meeting is today. The new art sheet wanted to know about themes and relationships, etc., so I cut and pasted bits of my synopsis (log line, overall series arc, character descriptions) and plugged them in. Did NOT have time to make the 12 page synopsis 1000 words. I have a feeling the art sheet is what goes EVERYWHERE (to other editors/sales people) to explain the book, but I simply had no time last week. So that's the Art bit of this blog.

My editor didn't like the title, "Defender of Trust," so now it looks as if the book will be "Protector of the Flight" (the volarans -- flying horses). Another thing completely out of the author's hands (unless it's written in the contract or it's one of those battles you want to use up any goodwill you have fighting). I hope I hear what the title is soon, so I can refer to the right book.

Galleys -- and why I am so cranky. Galleys for Sorceress of Faith are coming.

In two packages because it's so large.

Due back October 10.

Galleys are what Berkley calls Page Proofs, the layout of the book as it will look printed. Galleys is the stage of the publishing process where I completely lose it. From the moment I saw the page proofs of HeartMate, I've freaked at this particular time. I used to think it was because it means the book is REAL. Staring in the dark last night, I revised that opinion. Galleys are the point where you MUST get things right or it goes to print with all the mistakes. And it's written in every author's contract that you can only make so many changes to Galleys (that was because the type use to be hand SET and changing it was a hassle, in these days of computers, I don't know if that still is true).

I don't do Galleys. Usually I'm so tired of the book that I can't see any problems, and punctuation precision is not interesting to me. So I hand them off to a friend who LOVES to line edit, Rose Beetem, and I pay her a pittance. Over the last few books, the pittance has grown, but it is still small. I hope she'll stick with me after this one.

I think I told you that I revised the first three chapters of Sorceress of Faith several times. Well, one of those times was after I turned it in, which means when the copy edits came, I hacked those chapters to pieces and moved text around and deleted. So much so, that the first chapters of the copy edits are NOT PRETTY. One might almost say "barely legible." Well, Rose has to compare the galleys to the copy edits I photocopied before I sent them back.

I HAD made most of the changes on my computer as I revised, naturally, but not the punctuation stuff. So last night, instead of writing, I worked on ensuring the chapters on my computer conformed to the copy edits so I could print them out as a help for Rose. Oh, and I attended a chat with Christine Feehan at sff.net. (I have a page at People at sff.net, or at least I paid for one).

Galleys still scare me.

May you be able to work through any fears you have today as you face your writing. (that's the meagre affirmation/blessing of the day).
Love to all,


Blogger moonhart said...

Robin said: I hope I hear what the title is soon, so I can refer to the right book.

LOL! Robin, I so do enjoy reading your blog even if you're not having the best day.

I think it will be fine, whatever the title ends up becoming. I am having visions of Defender of {insert word here} being a really great book. I love the concept.

I was hit with inspiration about my heroine and her character arc and now I will need to really rewrite. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't fighting a nasty head cold.

Good luck,


8:56 AM  
Blogger ssas said...

It'll be good, Robin. And I'm laughing about the title thing; I loathe the title of my first book and my greatest hope is that someone wiser than me will come up with a better one.

9:14 AM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Yes, Chey, by the time the galleys come you can have a different ideas and a more understanding of your world. This has happened to me, too.

Good going!

8:30 AM  

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