Dawn of a New Book

Dawn of a new book. I'll be working on Heart Secret today. I know this: it's the story of Garrett Primross, a private eye, introduced in Heart Search. The heroine is Artemisia Mugwort Ginseng, a Healer. He has antibodies in his blood that might stop a sickness, she hides the secret of her home. They discover a body together that is linked to her Family. That's it folks!
Oh, and I need to work on Heart & Sword from critique last week, too.
You don't take a break at all between books?
Cruel, cruel woman, tormenting us with tantalising glimpses of a book that will not be read by us for well over a YEAR!!!!!
Well, I lied. I had most of Friday, all of Saturday (slept), Sunday I did Mother's day stuff that lapped over to Monday morning...so I will probably start shortly. However, Heart Secret is due at the end of the year, but the next Mystic Circle is due 3 months after that so I should turn in Heart Secret in October, so....
Donna, baby, you know just as much as I do. :)
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