On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dated Books

I ran the memorial table for RMFW this year (actually I do it every year since the first about 3 years ago, but we actually lost people this year), and I usually pick up books by those authors whom we lost.

I decided to take a look at a couple of the romances, and couldn't get more than a few pages in. I just KNEW that the first book was based on A Big Misunderstanding and Miscommunication. Readers are savvier now -- and so are people. I HOPE folks know enough to talk stuff out. Habits, society, mores have changed. Nor would romance readers put up with an FBI hero telling the heroine her laughter was like silver bells. This might have been the original that the cliche came from, but we all know that no alpha guy would say that. Maybe "you have a nice smile."

I'm also reading Mulengro by Charles de Lint, not very far into it, and it's Romany in the 80s in Canada, and I can't help but believe that their society must have changed greatly. I may be wrong, but it just seems quite old, more like a 60s book. And the technology has changed extremely. In any event, I recall that I didn't LOVE the book at the time, but am giving it another chance to stay on the shelves.

Not ready to report on RMFW conference yet, though my seminar went well, and the On The Spot Plot was hilarious (I have my notes on what we wrote on).

May pleasure stud your days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently read a very early book by an author I generally love to read. It was probably from the 70's or 80's. The hero today would likely be charged with stalking and abuse, but at the time, he must have seemed very alpha. I don't remember being phased by books like that then; now I find them hard to read. How I've changed.

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A reader..
Going through your comments again, I notice you write about the "Memorial Table" and I guess this means a tribute to writers that have died since last Convention.
I find it very upsetting, as a reader, that suddenly there are no more books from a beloved author and can't find what happened! I wonder if there is a website or other place where one can get information. My favorite authors are important to me and I like to know that they are happy or if the have passed on,to honor them, even if only with a final silent "thank you"!

10:37 AM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...


I'm not sure whether there's a website that keeps this up. And I know what you mean, it would be easier than searching each name. The RMFW members we lost were Pat Dalton (romantic suspense), and Dolores Johnson (mystery).

Pat still has her website up, Dolores doesn't

I know that when I want pseudonymns, etc. I go to http://www.myunicorn.com It's a bookstore, but you also need to be a member to see all the info on someone, like my complete bibliography.

Of course there's wikipedia, which sometimes lists authors.


12:13 PM  

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