On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Writer Issues

That's today and I have my pages (11) on Enchanted No More, and my gifts. After this the holiday season is officially done for me until my Mom's birthday next month...

This scene is touchy because I added a new villain and I want to know if the misdirection worked and if it's creepy enough.

I saw mentor at a party yesterday and she's bringing a scene, too. She said she'd realized why she'd been having such a hard time writing this issues. It brought up a lot of old emotions that she didn't realize she had about the past.

We discussed that old emotions/issues etc. will stay with you a long time, and, yes, if you're a writer, you will use these issues, or work through them, or explore them, or all three and more.

Protector of the Flight was my book to explore father issues, though the man in that book was much less loving than my father.

And there's still no guarantee by the end of the book that you will have grown as a writer or a person, and it will always be hard to write of such things. But it's an option that we have.

And, of course, some readers will know when you're exposing yourself and some will think its part of the story. Exposing bits of yourself is part of being a part of a writer.

So I will be interested in the pages that my mentor brought, but I'm sure they are fine and will hit the right emotional note. My pages ARE story, so it might be easier. Or maybe not, if the skill that I wanted to display isn't there.

But I'll enjoy seeing my friends and their pages where they might or might not be exposed and the looks on their faces at their holiday gifts (we have several religions among us).

May you have a day with just the right emotional exposure.


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