ARC Format -- Advanced Readers Copy
I send my hardcopy and email arcs out in the following format:
Header with copyright info, two columns per page, Times New Roman font, pagination on the OUTSIDE TOP of every page, full justification, paragraph inset .3
This makes it look more like a book.
May you enjoy the day.
Header with copyright info, two columns per page, Times New Roman font, pagination on the OUTSIDE TOP of every page, full justification, paragraph inset .3
This makes it look more like a book.
May you enjoy the day.
Labels: Advanced Readers Copy, ARC, format
..for a moment I thought this was from Heart Change!.. when are we going to get some excerpt from your new book?
Those of us that are not on the list of lucky beta readers are very eager to get a pre-view!and I'm sure that I speak for other readers as well.
All right, I'm too beat to fix the pic for a second time, but I'll make it bigger in the am.
I'll put something up shortly here and probably something up on my website for April. It WON'T be the first chapter...
Take care,
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