On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Updating Websites

I feel this is very important, and I usually do it every month – it may not go up during the first week, but it WILL be updated.

The pages I ALWAYS update are: Home and Bookshelf and Free Your Artist and Worlds (with my Contest info. My contest usually has something with regard to the latest book out, in August it will be the Rohrig Tarot, the most sensual tarot I have and the one which I based the deck my heroine uses on).

The Free Your Artist takes most of my time. I scour the web for a good quote on creativity that might match my topic, write creativity excercises and an affirmation. I’m not quite sure how many people visit this page every month (I used to be a demon for stats, but not since I switched my servers last year and the stat program). Still, Free Your Artist is my “give back” to the web community.

So is Worlds. Worlds is where I put pics that inspire me (of the Residences on Celta), include cut scenes, and do character interviews. This month I’ll have a continuation of the character interview of T’Ash, focusing on the tattoo on his arm – new for the Reissue of HeartMate.

About Me gets changed the least, including the contests I’ve placed in or won.

Reads – my excerpts page (which I’m thinking to changing to Excerpts, but the button is small) – is changed less now than it was, because I’m revising my first chapters so often…

And now, of course, I must work on August…my webmistress always promises that it will go up in a week and usually gets it up in a few days…

May you stick to your writing today.


Blogger Mikaela said...

I know what *really* needs to get updated... The Work in Progress page, it stills list Sorceress of Faith.

12:39 PM  
Blogger moonhart said...

And I think you should send T'ash to Jersey so I can interview him.



3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pls Pls do not degrade T'Ash with a tattoo!!!!!!
Only slaves, criminals, cattle and fools with no respect to themselves have such a thing!!!!

6:06 PM  
Blogger Sela Carsen said...

Sorry I missed you in Atlanta -- I looked for you at the literacy signing. Still love reading your work.

6:59 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Booklover, you're right. I'll look at that.

Moonhart, feel free if you can catch the guy.

Reader -- I've made the tattoo magical. When a person dedicates themselves to vengeance (not a great idea), the tattoo appears. When the stalk is done, the tattoo disappears. Thus T'Ash didn't exactly do it himself (though he made the choice) and it isn't permanent.

Sela, sorry to have missed you! I was under "O" but the place was a real madhouse!


7:46 AM  

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