On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Binge Writing

I've been known to do this. It was much funner when it was the story railroading through me and I sat down and all the words flowed -- when I was unpublished and never under deadline.

It's much harder doing it on purpose -- under deadline.

Yesterday I got up, mowed down most of the brown weeds that covered my backyard, went in and revised my synopsis for the fourth Luna book (the title gives away something that I don't want common knowledge yet, so it will be referred to the fourth Luna book for a while). Then I went to critique and got massacred and did a little bloodying of my own, came back and revised the fourth Luna book synopsis AGAIN until it was in final shape -- most of the afternoon and evening. Then I worked on Seamistress (5th Luna book), and Singer (6th Luna book, yes, the titles are lame). The 6th book is easiest of all, since it's action, action, action, sex, action, action, action, END.

My brain fried and my eyes crossed and I still don't know if I'll be able to get the last two whipped into shape today or not. I still have to revise the pages (some cutting of dull food parts).

Truly, coming up with plot and putting it in a decent form is HIDEOUS for me -- and three in a row? Well, I've literally worked all month on this. Of course, the first time around I worked November through February on the first three books. My agent said it was the best series proposal she'd ever seen.

So I binged yesterday, and plan on doing it today. Then get my act together to go to conference. Eh.

May you write easily and get it done quickly today.


Blogger moonhart said...

SEAMISTRESS??? Ooohh! That must be Faucon's, right???


I get shivers just thinking about it.

Go Robin!!


8:16 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Yes, Moon, but I'm afraid she won't be from New Jersey, currently set in Connecticutt and Maine...


6:54 AM  
Blogger moonhart said...

Well, the Mystic connection works IMO. She could *originally* be from Jersey, though.

~~blantant hint~~



7:37 AM  

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