My agent and I usually handle things through email...on books Heart Duel through everything else. But one of the reasons I chose my agent is to get career advice and a couple of times a year I ask to talk by phone, and once a year I meet her at RWA. The Knight Agency, and Deidre especially, has been excellent in her career advice, and since we went through some rocky times about my Unrealistic Expectations, and Ranting About Deadlines, and are still working together, I know of what I speak. In these days of the end of contracts and continuing unemployment, and forcing myself to write through depression and the deadline swamp, and Staring at the Ceiling, I gave her a call.
Things look good for continuing both my Heart series and finishing up the Luna series with 3 more books. Now NOTHING is solid in the land of pre-contractual agreement, but Things Look Good.
Whew. Maybe the nasties that keep swooping around my brain and nibbling on my self-confidence will back off a bit.
And, again, the best thing a writer can do to make their career is TO WRITE A GOOD BOOK!
May your writing be strong and true today,
Good luck, Robin! I know you'll do well!
Back off "nasties".
Robin you keep writing the books and I will definitely keep buying them.
Thanks a bunch, ladies!
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