Professional Conferences
When I went in to type the title, it was automatically filled out, so I think I must have spoken about Romance Writers of America and have definitely written about Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers.
Two weeks from now I will have been at RWA for going on 3 days. Tuesday, the 25th, I'll be travelling, then getting a view of my agent's abode and the agency itself. RWA this year is in Atlanta and I woke up thinking about "goodies." My first set of wallet calendars weren't the right size. So I have a second set on my doorstep to open and review. I'm attending a Bookseller's Tea and I have some boxes of tea I need to slap labels on, as well as mini-Tarot cards I usually give away in a small bowl at the literacy signing.
I've been lucky at the signing, not selling all my books because they order too many, and I am, after all, a nich writer. But usually some folks drop by my table to introduce themselves and I LOVE that. The signing is open to the public and you can see who will be signing here
All proceeds, including my royalties go to literacy, 1/2 to a national group and 1/2 will stay in Georgia.
I'm hoping to see the Aquarium (though, in main, fish are a phobia) and a Shakespeare play (sort of) and maybe the Diorama. I will have meetings with my agent, my agent's publicist, and two of my three editors.
Yesterday I was emailed by Jude Griffin who is adding this link as someone who'll be blogging about National.
I'm up for 2 awards, the Daphne (Romantic Suspense Kiss of Death Chapter) for HEART CHOICE, for which I'm THRILLED because it's a niche series book and I didn't think it would make it, and the National Readers' Choice Award for Guardian of Honor, and I really want Alexa (my character in that book) to win. I don't enter many contests anymore since I won the big one

and I've won 2 PRISMs so I didn't enter that one either this year.
Now the cats are whining, I'm wincing at the rambling of this blog but don't want to go back and correct it since it has taken 10 MORE minutes than I anticipated, and I (oh, joy!) must get back to writing a synopsis for my 4th Luna book, I finished the pages yesterday.
May you or your characters look forward to a big event in anticipation today.
Two weeks from now I will have been at RWA for going on 3 days. Tuesday, the 25th, I'll be travelling, then getting a view of my agent's abode and the agency itself. RWA this year is in Atlanta and I woke up thinking about "goodies." My first set of wallet calendars weren't the right size. So I have a second set on my doorstep to open and review. I'm attending a Bookseller's Tea and I have some boxes of tea I need to slap labels on, as well as mini-Tarot cards I usually give away in a small bowl at the literacy signing.
I've been lucky at the signing, not selling all my books because they order too many, and I am, after all, a nich writer. But usually some folks drop by my table to introduce themselves and I LOVE that. The signing is open to the public and you can see who will be signing here
All proceeds, including my royalties go to literacy, 1/2 to a national group and 1/2 will stay in Georgia.
I'm hoping to see the Aquarium (though, in main, fish are a phobia) and a Shakespeare play (sort of) and maybe the Diorama. I will have meetings with my agent, my agent's publicist, and two of my three editors.
Yesterday I was emailed by Jude Griffin who is adding this link as someone who'll be blogging about National.
I'm up for 2 awards, the Daphne (Romantic Suspense Kiss of Death Chapter) for HEART CHOICE, for which I'm THRILLED because it's a niche series book and I didn't think it would make it, and the National Readers' Choice Award for Guardian of Honor, and I really want Alexa (my character in that book) to win. I don't enter many contests anymore since I won the big one

and I've won 2 PRISMs so I didn't enter that one either this year.
Now the cats are whining, I'm wincing at the rambling of this blog but don't want to go back and correct it since it has taken 10 MORE minutes than I anticipated, and I (oh, joy!) must get back to writing a synopsis for my 4th Luna book, I finished the pages yesterday.
May you or your characters look forward to a big event in anticipation today.
Robin, you always seem to couple the phrase "niche writer" with an apology of sorts and I don't understand why.
By "niche writer" do you mean paranormal romance? Because there are LOTS of those out there. By being "niche" do you mean you won't be dominating the NYT Bestsellers List like SWRR (she who rules romance)? Is that really something to apologize for when so much of it is beyond your control? And what's wrong with writing to a specific audience? Don't you find your niche audience staunchly support you?
Please know that I am not being mean when I ask these things. I am truly trying to understand because, I am prolly a niche-ier writer than you are.
But that sure as heck wouldn't make me less proud. I wouldn't mind having your accomplishments at all.
Look 'em in the eyes, sweetie. Ya done good.
Dear Robin~
You probably don't know me, but I concur with Moon. You are a multi-pubbed print author with awards to boot. Don't sell yourself short but saying "just a niche" kinda comments.
Be proud,girl! You've earned it!
the diorama is pretty interesting, especially the history of the whole travelling show. (if this is what you meant hope you get there.
Thanks a lot for the boost. And you're right. I AM a good writer (affirmation), I have won awards. Unfortunately Futuristic/Fantasy IS a niche and though I have very loyal readers, I don't have so many that I can make a living at writing... which is why I consider myself niche. That, too, is my choice. I may try some contemporary paranormals in the future (am trying an Urban Fantasy now), but I am greedy and impatient. I want to be able to stay home and write, now.
;) And I know plenty of people who would love to be in my place.
I enjoyed the link to the cyclorama and read the article. I saw the one in Gettysburg and was very impressed.
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