Writing Rhythm

I haven't actually gotten a good summer schedule going, and I won't because I'm taking another day job (they say two months and the hours might be able to be flexed) on the 19th. A little closer than the last two jobs (maybe only 10 minutes, but that counts!).
I'm wondering what my natural rhythm would be as a full time writer when I'm not a burnt out paralegal-writer. I don't think I've found it, and I think I DO need a good schedule.
In any event, I have to do a big push to get my urban fantasy proposal in shape, and the next 3 Luna books proposal definitely done by the end of the first week of July. So whatever long, relaxing hours I had are gone again, starting this afternoon....
May you find your writing rhythm today.
I have a writer question for you, Robin, just 'cause I'm curious. :)
When you submit a three-book proposal, what all goes into it? Is it just a bunch of synopses? Synopses with chapters, or...?
On my last Berkley proposal I was told I only had to do an outline (which I equate with a synopsis), but I'll ALWAYS do pages, since I think that's my strength.
Anyway, it depends on who I'm submitting to. For a 3 book, I would usually do the first chapter or couple of chapters of book 1, first chapter of book 2 or 3, along with a more detailed outline of book 1, and shorter synopses of books 2-3.
For my Luna books, I intend to do first 3 chapters of book 1, long synopsis, and shorter synopses for books 2-3.
Nifty. I've always wondered (with a fair amount of dread since I'm unabashedly horrid at them) if editors prefer just the synopses. But then while reading your post, it occurred to me that I might trip up on first chapters to books way in the future. I'm not a full plotter by any means, but I *cannot* write out of sequence.
So, thanks for putting my mind at ease! I can't wait to find out what happens in the next three Lunas. Or for Protector of the Flight. Of for Non-essential book money to be able to start on the Heart series. :T Apparently, I'm a very impatient person!
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