Changes and Creativity

Two cave books. Could possibly come out together (ha, ha, ha, won't worry about that one again).
So I changed Calli's advent into Lladrana by falling into the crystal face of a hillside on her ranch. This ADDED so much more. As soon as I changed this, I came up with the fact that she'd been able to see shadows of Lladrana in the crystal all her life. That she hadn't liked herself or her life for a long time so she didn't want to see *herself* reflected even vaguely.
Making the change added depth to the story. This isn't the first time this has happened to me, nor the most important, but the experience continues to drive home a point for me, and perhaps for you.
Don't begrudge changes you need to make for purposes other than the story. Making such changes can add another layer to your story.
May you go deeper into your story today and may it be fabulous!
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