Manuscript Revision Checklist/Old Contest Scoresheet

A reminder: this is for genre fiction: mystery, romance, sf/f, action/adventure, not for literary fiction:
Manuscript: Plot & Story Elements
Hook/Setup--Interesting line, character, or critical situation that grabs the reader, backstory adequate not excessive.
Setting--Time of day, location, weather, environment/surroundings, research details (if relevant).
Story Question Established--What's at stake? The issue that drives the story.
Scene Structure--Scene propels the plot or reveals character, or both.
Manuscript: Story-telling Craft
Story Movement--Active vs passive language, pacing.
Viewpoint--Conveys story info consistently, clearly, without jarring reader identification.
Choreography--Physical action enhances credibility. Character control. Do characters vanish?
Transitions--Between viewpoints, paragraphs, scenes.
Sentence and paragraph structure, clarity and variety.
Manuscript: Style
Story Flow--Seamless, non-intrusive writing.
Imagery--Uses all senses, blends showing with telling. Enhances, doesn't overwhelm story.
Word Choice--Use of language appropriate to the genre.
Voice--Unique, captivating or compelling voice, turn of phrase.
Manuscript: Character Development
Central Characters--Distinctive, interesting, alive, sympathetic, purposeful.
Secondary Characters--Distinctive, interesting, alive, provide relevant functions.
Character Motivation--Believable actions, reactions, conclusions.
Physical Descriptions--Can the characters be visualized?
Psychological Descriptions--Inner and outer conflict/problems, clear character premise.
More tomorrow!
May everything you do today add to your technique and story.
Robin, was this only for the first chapter? How many pages?
This was for 20 pages and an 8 page synopsis, I believe.
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