Indoor Maps Fun
Indoor Maps, hand drawn for myself to keep track of choreography. Currently I have a little stack of 6. I'll post, you can guess and I'll give you a hint. One a day. :) First up (note folded in half to hide a hint). I'll give a treat to the first person who identifies this. ;) A cut scene or something from their favorite book? EFORMAT, so .pdf.

Hm... *thinks* The center of the labyrinth, maybe? That and one of the towers in D'Marigold residence is the only thing I can think of :).
Wasn't there a pavilion by the airship? That's what I'm going with.
It seems the lock to a combination safe.
Oh, man, is my drawing BAD. This is GreatCircle Temple in Druida, and this specific instance was drawn during Heart Secret.
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