Every Work is Different

I am struggling more with Heart Fortune than I have for a Celta novel for a long time. Usually by this time, I have every scene in mind for the end of the book, and all I need to do is write them. For Heart Fortune, I DO know the end scenes, but I still need to work on the middle.
I am only panicking a little (lie). I've decided to write the last part of the book and work backwards. I've done this before with Heart Dance (thus the cover up), and for Protector of the Flight. So I know it can be done.
This is, of course, one of the moments where I chant the mantra "trust yourself."
Many thanks for listening,
Love, love, love the covers!
The cover is beautiful & so is Jace. Am being a bit forward - but you just want to take a bite ;)
Yes, I agree, love, love, love the covers & yes, you do just want to take a bite or even run your hands up that backl. Yum.
Yes, I'm thinking I need to write a scene with the tatt...
Yes, you do, that is a fabulous tat & not girly.
Thanks! I'm throwing words at it...but you know they really should be linked together in a plot, thus the transitions will be the last to write.
And I love Heart Fortune's cover.
Well, with a tatt on Celta...I think the hawkcel can sit on his shoulders and the ink appears...that's how I was planning to write it. Maybe part of the bond.
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