Writer's Self in Books

Writer's Self In Books -- I realize that bits of me fall into my books from my head and my heart through my fingers on the keyboard. Writer's VOICE. Sometimes this is planned -- working through issues, Protector of the Flight was like that. Sometimes it just happens.
I was recently asked what book I liked best. Now my usual answer is the one I just finished or will just be coming out. That's the fun one, all new and shiny. The one I like least is the one I'm working on now. (Though since Heart Secret is also new and shiny in Chapter 4, that's not too true. Maybe Enchanted Again since I had to slice and dice).
But I amended my answer this time. The one that is probably most personal to me is Guardian of Honor (which was the right answer for this particular person). I consider Alexa Fitzwalter to be the real daughter of my father. The daughter most like him. Make of that what you want. ;) Also, like Alexa, I had just lost a good friend, a young friend. I wasn't able to attend her memorial service (though I had attended her graduation from law school) so Guardian of Honor was dedicated to her.
Most of the time I'm not really aware of putting stuff in. My beliefs and feelings show in my themes: Know Thyself, Everyone Makes Mistakes, Live for Today.
(Whining is ok in small amounts?)
Just my take on writing today, may you enjoy your work.
Child, the ocassional pity-party is good for the soul! I am - was - a critical care nurse, and one day one of my patients was having a major woe-is-me moment. You know what I told her? Take one day to wallow, then get on with your life. No one is going to feel sorry for you, the way you can, so take one day when you really need it, and whine to your heart's content. Then MOVE ON! Better than keeping all that unhappiness inside.
So the next time you need to have a pity-party, you go, girl! Grab some chocolate ice cream - or whatever you like - and throw yourself a big one!
Thank you, Pat. I've actually read this a couple of times though I didn't reply.
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