On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Monday, July 04, 2011

Good & Tiring Confernce, Elec out at home

I had excellent conversations with my agent and my Luna editor, and NY was, as always, tasty and interesting. However, once I got home things went downhill. A tree fell and took out my electricity and cable AND my clutch went out on my car, 3rd time this year. So I've been frazzled. The tree "branch" was over a foot thick, and I was without electricity for about 24 hours, and, of course, stuck.

Naturally I have good friends and family, so things are getting back to normal, and the car will go in tomorrow, hopefully. I don't want it in the shop and to be without a car for 3 days again, though. Not this time.

Writing wise, I am hopeful to sell again to Berkley and Luna, and maybe get the two Regency historical romances I wrote before HeartMate out in e-form.

May you have a wonderful Independence Day if in the States, and a good Monday everywhere!


Blogger Diane P said...

I heard online how well your workshop went. You helped other authors about being a self-critic. Nice job!

11:48 AM  
Blogger Cate Rowan said...

Robin, I'd LOVE to see those Regency historicals of yours self-pubbed. Indie authordom has been very, very good to me, and I know you believe in those manuscripts. So get 'em up! And get in touch with me if you have questions. :)

1:41 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

Some of the earliest adult books I remember reading at about 9 was my nan's Georgette Heyers, so I still have very fond memories of Regency romances - please please please release them - I will
SOOOO buy them!

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Liz Roadifer said...

Hi Robin,

Would love to hear about any particular workshops that made an impression on you or any speaker that inspired you in some way.

In spite of what greeted you at home, I'm glad you made it back safely.

7:36 PM  

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