On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vinni T'Vine

Everyone loves Vinni T'Vine, and everyone wants his story. If I continue to sell the books to Berkley (or even if not, I will probably publish ebooks), I see Vinni's story about 3-4 down the line.

The problem is the conflict between HeartMates -- there always is one in a romance, so it will take me a while to figure that one out. Perhaps overprotectiveness and believing he is always doing the right thing for Avellana despite her feelings.

That could probably work due to the hideous episode in their past. But, of course, no strong woman would like having decisions made for her

And I think I've given you all another wonderful manchild to root for in Heart Search...not to mention one of Danith and T'Ash's daughters and Ruis and Ailim Elder's oldest...

There's an ARC up on Brenda Novak's auction...

Love to all,


Blogger Donna said...

Ooohhh, tempting teasing delicious hints! :)

7:19 AM  
Blogger Michelle Rudeau said...

After I read Heart Change, I thought the conflict between Vinni and Avellana might center around her Flair. Though it does sound a lot like Dufleur's problem. Since practicing one's Flair is satisfying and Avellana can't use her natural gift over life, I was wondering how she would deal with not being able to use that part of herself, or if she could find another way of productively using it....

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there can be conflict between Vinnie & Avellana but I'm not sure they need a separate story. Just keep them popping up in future books as maybe a smaller story thread, not the main one. They know they are heartmates. I mean I know Vinni knows & I'm pretty sure Avellana knows too on some level. Can't wait for the next couple of books.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Jackie Viviers said...

Absolutely LOVE Vinni T'Vine. He is forever telling everyone what they should do, but he can't see the future regarding himself or his heartmate. I think that makes for interesting conflicts and reading. Not to mention I would love to find out more about the T'Vine Residence, its so secretive!

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I am several months late on commenting on this, but I had to mention that I am eagerly awaiting a book where Vinni and Avellana are the main story. Since we don't know who from Vinni's family was working with Hanes in the attempts on Avellana's life, perhaps a story with some incidents and Avellana thinking he is overreacting? If you tie in her second passage too, you can update us on Signet, Cratag, and their kiddo.

7:43 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Anonymous, THANK YOU for commenting. You helped me out in Heart Fortune.

Like I said before, it took me a while before I figured out a good conflict.

I currently am working on a 3 book contract, and none of those are Vinni's book. I'm almost afraid to write it in case everyone drops me after that...

In any event, I AM thinking about it...

3:54 PM  

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