On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Critiique and Mile Hi Con Day 2

Went to critique and only mentor and I read. I'm doing some more "Celta building" magic/Flair things and wondered if they went on too long.

Buddies wanted MORE. As often happens what was in my head in full detail didn't make it onto the page, so I have set the chapter aside to work on on the retread (when I should be writing full out), but...

Just popped into Mile Hi Con for about an hour and a half (critique in the south part of town), couldn't find one panel, DID listen to another, but I think I missed the best part. Looked at the art show and was surprised to see that I bid on a piece that I hadn't recalled doing. It's in blues and whites and is a futuristic ship with a huge spiral galaxy in the sky, and of course I thought of the ship that must be built to take the Marshalls and Chevaliers to fight the dark. This ship looks more like a boat, a sleek cruiser, but I couldn't resist. There isn't anything that I MUST have and I'm still the only bidder on the carnelian necklace.

But I'm leaving home today just in time to do one last view of the art show. Early, because they have a nasty habit of closing before the time posted in the program book.

Oh, was just reminded that I need to check and see if my stand-up page holder was pinched. I don't recall seeing it when I arranged my wallet calendars yesterday, and it's been pinched before. I didn't make a special effort to do mini-tarot cards this year, but I had some left over from RWA and they were all gone in an hour -- which means someone pinched most of the batch. Well, it wasn't a full deck and I won't EVER put any more out at Mile Hi Con again. That's two years in a row. We were doing Improvocation near the promo table and I KNOW 50-75 people didn't come by that table to each take one card Friday afternoon.

I forgot to write my name on the stand up page holder.

This irritates me because I've been going to Mile Hi Con for years (even before I started seriously writing) and I consider these people my friends as opposed to strangers.

But off to get ready and hit the con. I'm hoping that they have some t-shirts left.

The birthday party was wonderful.

May you enjoy all the diverse things you might do today.


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