On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2007 Goals -- 2008

This is what I committed to last year at critique group:

Robin: Realistic deadlines and schedule. Goal: 3 pages per day.

The 3 pages of day I'm pretty sure I made, all in all. The schedule is still being finessed.

And I made a mistake about the deadlines. As I'm sure I've said before, realistic goals ARE GOALS THAT DEPEND ON YOU, NOT ANY OTHER PERSON. At that time it was my understanding that *I* would decide my deadlines. Ha. Ha. Ha. Essentially I had to accept a hideous deadline or walk away from the contract and I wasn't willing to quit a series in the middle. So, now I know, deadlines might not be under my control.

I'm still thinking about 2008's goals, the schedule thing sounds like it should stay. I'd like to up my page count, but "FAILING" goals is worse than low goals. As for deadlines, they're already hideous as a holdover from this year...

I DO want to get at least two new proposals out (not including 1-2 Heart Books), more like an urban fantasy trilogy and a couple of contemporary paranormal romances.

May you understand your goals today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year 2008. Hope you started it well. My advice for a New Year resolution would be to remember beign "a little more frivolous": it helps a lot and balances things; too much seriousness is not so good for the soul.

Got Keepers of the Flame on Dec. 31, as one of my first treats for 2008. THANKS!!!

Looking forward to reading many more Heart books in the future and any other series you care to write.

2:52 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Excellent reminder.

Since I'm struggling with Heart Fate and behind deadline on it, my tone will probably be serious until it's done.


9:54 PM  
Blogger kris said...


Sending positive thoughts your way regarding Heart Fate. "you can do it, you can do it, yah, yah!" ;-)

I am piecemealing Keepers of the Flame out like a good box of chocolates - I don't want to finish it too fast. Plus, by using it as a reward - I am getting some household tasks finished that I have ignored for way too long. I am really enjoying the book - thanks for the incentive!


11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have finished Keepers of the Flame and that has put me on the path of rereading all of the other books in the series again. Which means, I will be rereading Keepers again here shortly.

I find myself rereading all of your books often and they just keep getting better with age.

I don't suppose you can put the missing parts of Seamistress into electronic form like "Song of Marwey"? I'm sure you can't because of contracts, but, I can always hope ^_^.

Please keep your heart light and your outlook up while writing and I cannot wait to read anything that you care to write.

Best Wishes for the New Year!!


6:25 PM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Thanks, Kris, hope you are enjoying it...and I do that too.

Tine, all there is of Sea Mistress is a synopsis. Thinking back, I don't think I wrote any pages. Sea Mistress was going to be a whole book itself.

Skye (the Sea Mistress) was quite a bit different than Raine...

But I don't think I'd have a problem putting the synopsis up, not if it's free, since I didn't sell that book.

I don't think that I'll do that until after the last book (whatever it will be called) is out, since I will probably use some of Raine's story in that book, too.

Thanks again,

8:56 PM  

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