On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Series -- Timeline/Worldbuilding

Image hosting by PhotobucketYes, I now have to keep track of my timeline for the Heart series (HeartMate, Heart Thief, Heart Duel, Heart Choice and Heart Quest...working on proposals for Heart Match, Heart Fate, and Heart Change). Since this is also another world of 13 months of 32 days (moons cycle) and 70 minutes to an hour...I need to factor in how long a pregnancy could actually take, etc.

The timeline that proceeds in irregular spurts as I need it to for the story. Actually, the main thing determining the progression of the timeline is Tinne Holly's story. He has a young HeartMate wed to another and I need time to pass to develop Tinne's relationship with his wife and his HeartMate's relationship with her husband.

So here's how I keep track:

Celta Timeline:

HeartMate: Druida City, Celta, 400 years after Colonization, Summer
Heart Thief: Druida City, Celta, 400 Years after Colonization, Autumn
Heart Duel: Druida City, Celta, 403 years after Colonization, Summer, Month of Holly
Heart Choice: Druida City, Celta, 404 Years After Colonization, Spring
Heart Quest: Druida City, Celta, 405 Years After Colonization, Late Autumn

Heart Match: Druida City, Celta, 405 Years After Colonization, Early Winter (two months after Heart Quest and the New Year, i.e. January/)

Heart Fate: Druida City, Celta, 406 Years After Colonization, Mid Winter (one year after the end of Heart Match)

Heart Change: Druida City, Celta, 407 Years After Colonization, Late Summer

May your timeline stay solid and untangled today!



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