Celta Timeline

Celta Timeline as Requested. Note: the time skipping at the beginning of the series was to age Tinne Holly so I could write his story.
Celta Timeline:
Heart And Sword (in Hearts And Swords story collection): On Board Nuada's Sword Generational Colonist Starship from Earth, Currently in Outer Space, the Month of May/Oak
HeartMate: Druida City, Celta, 400 years after Colonization, Summer, July, Discovery Day
Heart Thief: Druida City, Celta, 400 Years after Colonization, Autumn
Heart Duel: Druida City, Celta, 403 years after Colonization, Summer, Month of Holly
Heart Choice: Druida City, Celta, 404 Years After Colonization, Spring
Heart Quest: Druida City, Celta, 405 Years After Colonization, Late Autumn
Heart Dance: Druida City, Celta, 405 Years After Colonization, Early Winter (two months after Heart Quest, i.e. January/)
Heart Fate: Druida City, Celta, 406 Years After Colonization, Mid Winter (one year after the end of Heart Dance) SAMHAIN = NEW YEAR, SO JUST A MONTH AND A HALF AFTER THE NEW YEAR
Heart Story (in Hearts And Swords story collection): Druida City, Celta 406 Years After Earth Colonization, Spring
Heart & Soul, (in Hearts And Swords story collection) Gael City, Celta 406 Years After Colonization, Autumn (Elder/October) the last days of 406
Heart Change: Druida City, Celta, 407 Years After Colonization, Spring (March)
Heart Journey: Druida City, Steep Springs and Gael City, Celta, 407 Years After Colonization, Late Summer
Noble Heart, (in Hearts And Swords story collection) Druida City, Celta, 411 Years After Colonization, Winter
Heart Search (Laev): Druida City, Celta, 421 Years After Colonization, Late Spring
Nuin Ash is 17
Hope this helps, and may your day pass smoothly,
Cool! Thank you! Not to sound nerdy, but I cut-and-pasted this to a word doc.
Snap! And double nerdy - I printed one to put on my shelf with the books AND sent one to my kindle to put with the Celta Collection. (You should see the muddled looking timelines I have with my David Weber collection!)
Wow! That put everything into perspective.
Thank You!
Thank you!!!
Woops, missed Heart Fate. Will update this post.
oh, Heart Fate IS there...duh. Since I had two stories in the collection around that time, I got confussed.
Thanks for the timeline! I just read Heart Search, I liked it a lot! Before I read it I was a bit worried about the jump in time, but now I'm excited about the possibilities for more stories of the younger generation. Who are you going to write about next?
Thanks, Sara. Good to know I did my job, trust me, baby. The Celtans are very long-lived, so the older generation of heroes and heroines should be around for a while...as long as the series unless I jump a couple of centuries.
Next up is Garrett Primross, the private investigator, and Artemisia Mugwort, Tiana's older sister.
Well, phooey, Heart Fate IS out of order. I DO get the time mixed up (you should have seen the first scene I wrote regarding regulating the time in Heart Dance, the one on Nuada's Sword).
1) I usually say "After Colonization", and that's July.
2) The new year is Samhain, actually Nov 1.
So, as of now, let's say that the colonists were so busy from July to November that there was a "time out of time" and they started the new year Nov 1 of the first year.
I like keeping the "colonization" so folk immediately know it's a different planet but with Earth folk.
Now to change my own files...
I've been trying to figure out exactly when Holm Holly Sr reconciled with Holm Holly Jr and his heartmate, Lark. Was this between books, or have I just been failing to locate that scene? It seems to me they were still at odds at the end of Heart Choice, but in Heart Dance we see Passiflora is no longer living under a broken Vow of Honor.
Anon. I recall this very well, because I wanted the reconciliation, but didn't want it to detract from the story that I was writing -- which was Heart Quest. So I made it an epilogue (the wedding scene) in Heart Quest. It's in the last pages.
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