Cut Scenes -- February Website Update

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know that I rewrote the first chapter of Sorceress of Faith several times. Well, one of the best ways I know of to soothe myself over cutting scenes is to put them up on my website -- some of them. I still have huge swaths of Heart Thief that never went up...
In any event, you'll be seeing more of Sorceress, if you want.
As for the rest of the Website Update -- Contest is for a large "tower" pin by Kirks Folly. The Free Your Artist page is about PLAY this month, and the Worlds page, as stated, is a cut scene between Marian/Brandy and Richard/Jack Wilse.
May you not have to cut a word today!
Tried to leave a message in the Hero's article today but I cannot. So here it is. There are beautiful pictures in Webshots daily: 4 Feb 2005 from Norfolk in England. Castles etc.
Hope you can post an excerp from HeartFate and HeartMatch in your website soon. .... cant's waitttttttt!
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